Author Guidelines

  1. Title page: Use Times New Roman 16; manuscripts must be submitted with both a full title and a short title, which will appear at the top of the article upon publication if accepted. The title should reflect the paper’s contents and be specific, descriptive, concise, and comprehensible to readers outside the subject field (please avoid abbreviations and a title written in capital letters).
  2. Author Names and Affiliations: All author names should be listed in the following order: First names (written in full), Middle names, and Last names (surname, family name). Then, the e-mail address, and the affiliation put as a note foot
  3. Abstract: Use Times New Roman 14 Italic; original papers require a structured summary of 250 to 350 words
  4. Keywords: Authors are asked to provide (3 to 5) keywords.
  5. Main text: Use “Times New Roman” size 14; the main text of your article should be split into clearly-labeled sections. Usually, these will be background, methods, results, discussion, and conclusions; however, please feel free to use whatever headings and subheadings best suit your article. Abbreviations should be written out in full on first use.
  6. Introduction: The author(s) should strive to define the significance of the work and the justification for its publication. Any background discussion should be brief and restricted to pertinent material.
  7. Tables: Please submit any tables in your main article document in an editable format (Word or TeX/LaTeX, as appropriate), and not as images. Tables that include statistical analysis of data should describe their standards of error analysis and ranges in a table legend.
  8. Figures / Photos / Illustrations: make sure that artwork files are in an acceptable format (TIFF, EPS or MS Office files) and of high resolution (300 dpi or more). Illustrations should be referred to as Fig. 1, Figs. 2, 3-5, using Arabic numerals. Each illustration must be accompanied by a legend clearly describing it. All aspects of the illustration and legend must be fully understandable in a stand-alone format. Ensure that all tables, figures, and schemes are cited in the text in numerical order. The preferred position for chemical structures should be indicated. All illustrations should be uploaded on separate sheets at the end of the manuscript together with the list of figure legends.
  9. References: All our journals use a system based on APA style referencing. All references to the literature cited will be given in the order of their appearance in the text in a consecutively numbered list at the end of the article.

Examples of references (if 6 or fewer authors, list all; if 7 or more, list first 6 and add “et al.”):

[1] A.A. Maamoun, R.H. El-Akkad, M.A. Farag, Mapping metabolome changes in Luffa Egyptiac Mill fruits at different maturation stages via MS-based metabolomics and chemometrics, J. Adv. Res. (2019). doi:10.1016/j.jare.2019.10.009.

[2] Schott, D. H., Collins, R. N. & Bretscher, A. Secretory vesicle transport velocity in living cells depends on the myosin V lever arm length. J. Cell Biol. 156, 35-39 (2002).

Each reference should contain as many of the following elements as possible:

  • Author surnames with initials (up to 10 before et al. is used)
  • Year of publication
  • Title of paper or book
  • Journal name using standard abbreviation
  • Volume number
  • Book publisher and location
  • First and last page numbers, or article number
  • Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

10. Appendices: The appendices should be numbered as (Appendix 1, Appendix 2, etc.)