
The Interdisciplinary Journal of Humanities, Media, and Political Science (IJHMPS) is seeking individuals interested in becoming one of our peer reviewers or referees. To be considered, please email the editor-in-chief at or with your contact information and a list of recent publications.

The IJHMPS will notify you if you are selected as a potential referee or reviewer. When a manuscript that meets your interests is submitted to the Science Publishing House, one of its editors will contact you to discuss it. If you cannot referee the paper within six weeks due to other commitments, please let the editor know as soon as possible so that another person can be appointed.

The IJHMPS would like to extend our sincere gratitude to our esteemed peer reviewers for their valuable contributions to ensuring the highest standards of scholarly achievement in Media, Social, and Political Sciences. Their timely and accurate observations play a crucial role in our editorial process.

Each submission will be assigned to one or more reviewers through steps. Once the IJHMPS receives an article, the office will assess the manuscript to ensure it’s valid and has all the necessary factors.

The editorial office will also look into the article in the Crossref database to avoid plagiarism. A formal review process is conducted by other reviewers for one month. The editor-in-chief decides whether or not the paper should be accepted. All submitted papers will then be reviewed within six weeks.

The journal follows a blind reviewing procedure, wherein neither the author nor the referee is identified.

Acceptance is formalized in the journal’s formal conditions.

The submitted papers will be evaluated by the reviewers. They will also check for linguistic consistency. In addition, the thematic review will determine if the paper should be accepted or rejected based on the content’s originality, relevance, and quality.

The Plagiarism Policy
As part of its commitment to ensuring its content is original and trustworthy, the editorial board partnered with the platform Similarity Check. This medium allows for the screening of all submitted manuscripts to prevent plagiarism.