Impact of SMEs on Economic Development: A Systematic Review of Literature

International Journal of Green Management and Business Studies (IJGMBS)
Vol.2 June 2022



Dr. Mohammed Abdulrazzaq Alaghbari


SMEs are considered the driving force of the country’s economic growth via the entrepreneurship
process. SMEs also impact economic development based on various aspects such as competitive
market orientation, employment generation, capacity building and technology innovation.
Therefore, using a systematic review approach, the current study will investigate the SME’s impact
on developing economies. The systematic review will adopt database searches based on keywords,
authorship, citations, titles, journal lists, and topmost enterprises in the context of Bahrain. The
review will be analyzed using various database tools such as EDS, Scopus and Web of Science to
collect sample of n=8 peer reviewed journals published between 2018 to 2022. The findings shows
that SME’s plays an essential role in economic development through capacity development,
technological innovation, employment creation and competitive orientation.

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