International Journal of Green Management and Business Studies (IJGMBS)

International Journal of Green Management and Business Studies is an international, open-access journal that publishes research intensive articles and scientific manuscripts and survey based contributions focusing all aspects of Business, Economics, Accounting, Finance and Management. The objective of this journal is to bring together research fellows from academia and professional practitioners from industry to enlighten the latest topics of interest and building long lasting collaborations.

International Journal of Green Management and Business Studies uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. The articles are submitted to minimum 3 reviewers specialize on the topic for their reviews.  

The journal is useful for the Management colleges, University, Industry Individual, and published two times in a year i.e. June and December every year.

International Journal of Green Management and Business Studies is an International refereed research publishing journal, dedicated to the latest advancement of all theoretical and scientific aspects of Economics, Finance and Management.

The Objectives of the journal are to promote and publish original high quality research and to provide a forum to researchers and industry practitioners for exchanging ideas, knowledge, and experience.

We welcome original research and industry experience papers. Submitted papers should meet the internationally accepted criteria and manuscripts should follow the style of the journal for the purpose of both reviewing and editing.