Online ISSN : 2998-7229

IJSOL is an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary journal dedicated to disseminating authentic knowledge and practices within and across all disciplines and trades. It aims to help all stakeholders learn about learning, strategise learning, and transform into learning-driven businesses.
Organisational learning is the process through which organisations acquire new knowledge, skills, and capabilities that enable them to adapt and improve their performance. The key aspects of OL include individual learning, team learning, and organisation-wide learning, as well as knowledge management, i.e.,
• Knowledge creation: Organizations generate new knowledge through experience, experimentation, and problem-solving.
• Knowledge retention: Organizations embed knowledge within their processes, structures, and culture so it is not lost when employees leave.
• Knowledge transfer: Organizations share knowledge across different parts of the organization to benefit the whole.
Organizational learning theory focuses on how organizations can develop a culture that encourages continuous learning, knowledge sharing, and adaptation. This helps organizations maintain a competitive advantage, increase internal collaboration, and better meet customer needs. There are different types of organizational learning, including single-loop learning (improving efficiency), double-loop learning (questioning assumptions), and triple-loop learning (transforming the organisation itself). Organisational learning is critical for organisations to survive and thrive in today’s fast-paced, competitive environment by continuously acquiring new knowledge and skills.
The concept of organisational learning is known to most of us as an organisation’s ability to make substantial, rational internal changes to adapt to its ever-changing external environment. Learning organisations do not rely on serendipitously stumbling across a learning opportunity but instead actively promote learning through various tools, techniques, and initiatives. OL can be defined as:
“The process of modifying organisational behaviour through the use of different processes, practices, methods, and activities in drawing lessons learned from within and outside the organisation to improve performance and transform into a learning-driven organisation systematically.” – Garad & Gold (2018)
The IJSOL aims to establish further links between strategy and organisation learning to promote Strategic learning, which is a set of processes and activities that help individuals and organisations develop the ability to learn and adapt to achieve their long-term goals. The key aspects of strategic learning are that it’s not just about learning for the sake of it but about learning with a purpose, learning that leads to the achievement of our long-term goals. This is what makes strategic learning so powerful and transformative. The aspects of SL include:
- Developing superior insights about customers, the market, and the competition through a systematic situation analysis. This allows the organisation to make more informed strategic choices.
- Integrating strategy creation and implementation into a continuous cycle of learning, focusing, aligning, and executing. This helps the organisation remain adaptive and responsive to changing conditions.
- Engaging the creative and intellectual energies of the entire organisation, not just leadership, in the learning and strategy development process. This fosters broader buy-in and ownership.
- Position evaluation and learning as a strategic priority, with a focus on understanding what works, what doesn’t, and why. This creates a culture that encourages learning from both successes and failures.
- Identifying, prioritising, and developing the specific skills and competencies the workforce needs to deliver on the organisation’s strategic vision. This aligns learning and development with business objectives. Professor Willie Pietersen defines Strategic Learning as a learning-based process for creating and implementing breakthrough strategies. Unlike traditional strategy, which aims to produce one-time change, Strategic Learning drives continuous adaptation.
Strategic learning is a holistic approach that helps individuals and organisations continuously learn, adapt, and improve their strategic capabilities over time. It is a key driver of sustainable competitive advantage.
IJSOL will be published in print and online versions. Our publisher is The Science Publishing House in the USA, It is an academic publisher of prestigious peer-reviewed journals covering many academic disciplines.