Measuring the level of administrative and financial corruption and its impact on economic development:
A field study on workers in the public sector in Lebanon

Measuring the level of administrative and financial corruption and its impact on economic development:
A field study on workers in the public sector in Lebanon

International Journal of Accounting and Management Sciences (IJAMS)

Special Issue (Arabic) September 2022



Adnan Yaakoub


The study aims to measure the degree of administrative and financial
corruption and its impact on economic development, and it included an
independent variable (administrative and financial corruption) and a dependent
variable (economic development), where the descriptive analytical approach was
adopted. The study sample consisted of 130 employees in 4 ministries in
Lebanon (at the level of heads of departments and divisions). randomly selected,
The (SPSS) program was used through descriptive statistical methods,
frequencies, arithmetic averages, standard deviations, Cronbach Alpha
coefficient, Correlation Coefficient, Simple Linear Regression, and(ANOVA) to
test the validity of the hypotheses, and the study reached the following results:

  1. The total arithmetic mean of the administrative and financial corruption
    variable reached (3.87), which is a high level of importance.
  2. There is a medium inverse correlation between financial and administrative
    corruption and economic development.
  3. There is a statistically significant effect at the level (α ≤ 0.05) between
    financial and administrative corruption and economic development.
    The most important recommendations: Issuing a law to lift banking
    secrecy and developing a comprehensive national strategy to combat corruption
    in various economic and non-economic fields, which would reduce or prevent
    the spread of administrative and financial corruption.

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