Management Development Post Strategic Partnership Jordan Telecom Group as a Case Study

International Journal of Green Management and Business Studies (IJGMBS)
Vol.2 June 2022



Salem Khalaf Alateyyat


This research aims at identifying the level of management development practices in the company
10 years after the successful partnership with the strategic partner. The research employed an
instrument to measure management development dimensions in the company (skills,
Organizational Learning, Relationships and Participation, Leadership and Supervision, and
Management Development obstacles). The survey was distributed to the study sample (150)
supervisors and managers, but only (124) valid questionnaires were analyzed. The study
concluded that the company has a moderate level of management development ranging from about
71% for Skills, and leadership and supervision dimensions, to about 73% for Organizational
Learning, and relationships and participation dimensions. In addition, the perceived management
development obstacles according to obstacles dimensions scored at 71.6% with a moderate level
as well. The study results show that there are no statistically significant differences in the attitudes
of managers and supervisors towards management development dimensions due to demographic
and organizational variables, with the exception of the variable of scientific specialization. The
study found that there are differences in the attitudes of managers towards the relationships and
participation dimension due to the scientific specialization variable, and the administrative
sciences specializations got the largest average of the direction of managers towards relationships
and participation. The study recommended the need to pay more attention to management
development practices by concerned people, by adopting the latest development methods,
managing and retaining local talents and competencies by providing necessary support and
compensation schemes. The research also made suggestions regarding some future studies.

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