International Journal of Accounting and Management Sciences (IJAMS)
Abdulaziz Mohammed Alrayes
The research problem focused on the impact of applying the new annual evaluation form on the performance of employees at Majmaah University and the usefulness and feasibility of the new evaluation form for the advancement of the general performance of the university. The research also aims to identify the opinions of workers and administrative staff about the usefulness of applying the new annual evaluation form. The research also aims to highlight the role played by applying the new annual appraisal model in developing the capabilities of employees and increasing their motivation for production. The researcher followed the descriptive analytical approach, and the study population consisted of employees working at Majmaah University and used the new evaluation system, and the research sample consisted of (52) randomly selected individuals, and the restricted questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection after arbitration and conversion into an electronic questionnaire. The new one helps in career development. The new evaluation form is currently considered one of the criteria for obtaining awards and rewards at the university. The new evaluation form is currently considered one of the requirements for obtaining some allowances. The research also recommended that the administration at Majmaah University pay attention to applying the new evaluation system and oblige all departments in the university to apply it, as well as benefit from the previous experiences of those that applied the new evaluation system issued by the Ministry of Human Resources.
Keywords: The new evaluation system – Ministry of Human Resources – Majmaah University